Joe Anderson

The day belongs to the Sun, and he alone illuminates the sky, and the world around me.
Warmed by his rays, but longing for more, the planet of abundance, Jupiter becomes auspicious.
Surely, there must be more than one.
In the night, governed over by the moon and many shining stars, I search the heavens for the one that captures my heart.
Twinkling Venus captures my affection, and she demurely calls me.
The one who is obscured by the light of the sun, but who by night seems to sparkle and wink at me alone, captures my heart.
Thanks for joining me!
Does Astrology really work?
Before answering such a broad question, let me ask another.
Does your life really work?
Vague right?
So often in life it isn’t our answers that are faulty, so much as our questions.
If you happen to be one of the fortunate people who could respond with an immediate “Hell yes!” to the last question, I’d have to concede that no, Astrology likely has nothing to offer you.
You’re self satisfied…
A blissful condition, with no known cure.
Most of us would have to admit that we have at least one area of life that we aren’t completely satisfied with.
Many of us have no doubt noticed that life will be going along just fine, then for reasons we don’t understand, we have a bad run…Luck we’ll call it.
Some of us, either more alert, or more superstitious may have noticed that these times of bad “luck” come and go in a cyclical, even predictable manner, and that when one thing goes wrong, other things tend to follow suit.
At our best, Astrologers are students of these rhythms.
At our worst we’re flakey snake oil merchants, with either not enough self esteem, or delusional grandeur…
Warning the world about the dangers of the Strawberry werewolf moon in Aries, that threatens to fill our worlds with dangerous, transformative energies of illicit sexuality and humanitarian self sacrifice, still ultimately interlaced with moments of crippling self doubt.
No wonder people laugh at us.
This said, human nature is little different now than it was 6,000 years ago when humans first settled into agricultural communities, invented written language and trade routes.
We’re still primarily concerned with matters such as earning a living, the safety and well being of our family and tribe, seeking creative and ingenious ways too squeeze a little more enjoyment and meaning from life, falling in love, falling out of love, living, dying, and passing on something better (or worse) to our offspring.
Astrology has been developing and becoming more sophisticated, and sadly in some cases less sophisticated, since we as a species first settled in these colonies, and in fact, credible publications such as “The Farmer’s Almanac” still include a great deal of astronomical statistics in their pages.
In this Blog I will be posting blurbs such as this on divine coincidence as viewed by myself, and other students of life, as it pertains to the human condition at large.
Thanks for joining me, and I look forward to any and all questions, comments, and observations.